Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dear Old Lucky "Wrecking Ball" Number Eight

Ok.. so by August.. the eight month of the 2013.. i already sat on my new office desk. New position of course.. happy and sound. Thanks God.. the new office mates are being very welcome. A whole new world but happy that i got the chance. Things are getting better this year.

I basically having more and more things to be thankful for. New friends, new life, new job, new status? Uh huh? hahahahah no no no.. i'm still keeping my status quo. Hahaha and one day i'll know why i need to keep my status quo all along. But today.. gratitude is everything i'll be writing about.

Today, is one day after Christmas.. had a great time yesterday.. and Jingle Ball celebration top the night hahahah. Nice concept ...Whenever i listen to the title "Jingle Ball" .. remind me of controversial "Miley Cyrus" and her new song the "Wrecking Ball". Well guess what?? She sang 3 song on that "Jingle Ball" so.. yeah.. you know how the comitee come up with the title.

Her controversial act put her name to the top of music industry. This is how our world judge things. World easily put someone as the center of love and hate. Easily put them on top or just seamingly famous yet .. world can easily drop 'em in a blink of an eye if don't watch our step. Those that call you friends might just actually a hidden enemy.

Everything happens in our life are like a swing of wrecking ball. We need to be cautious. Anticipate things that happens in our life. When a wrecking ball swing to your direction .. pivot your step .. when a good chance comes in .. don't hesitate to embrace it. Thanks God.. for giving me a lot to embrace this year. 

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