Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life is a Boxing Arena

It's raining outside.. the clock is ticking at 10.25 PM..

I Just finished watching "My Sister's Keeper", an outstanding movie about a family .. A wonderful family of five. There were Dad, Mom, Jesse, Kate, and Anna.They look happy and fun to the outside world..but there's always "something"... Kate is the middle child with leukemic disease. As the family grows.. each one has a very special unique role to each other...but they held up together through the "storm"..

I cry when i watched the movie.. i got touch with the characters.. I see how strive a mom can be for her child's life... or how hard it is to let go..that you won't listen anything... It was a heart breaking moment ..

Speaking of heart breaking moment... I've been there few times..Haha.. yeap it's not nice.. You could feel the unseen knife cut through your heart and soul.. but in the end i know i will let things go.. I'm still shining..and smiling.. and running.. The hit is less painful than what i have to deal in my family's affair..

The other day..somebody gave me a clip of an old school movie "Rocky Balboa".. there's one quote he want to show me: "But it ain't about how hard you hit... Its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward ...How much you can take and keep moving forward...That's how winning is done."

The quote is quite inspirational but i already get used to get and take the hit... and thanks God i never get knocked down.. Well, at least i never went blank out.. Then I'm starting to questioning.. "if life is a boxing arena.. how many rounds should i survive??" hmm.. who can give me the answer? However, life is incredibly awesome if i think it through.. There's always some sacrifices need to be made to make sure the other grow and have their chances..

The deal is that.. i know it's never easy.. never..!! Anyone will agree no matter how strong they really are.. Sh*ts do happen in every single living person on earth today. We all having this "situation" that suffocate us. Hidden and locked away in our "closet".. So i suggest us to safe enough energy to face every single hit in life could possibly offer. Get trained from simple hit like breaking up and love .. we'll be doing just fine in the end... Just fine..:)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Deal with yourself and Kick it UP !!

Time to write another composition in my life..

A theme has been chosen... a soundtrack and a singer has been decided...  James Morrison playing well enough in my ear at this very minutes... Love the way he deliver every song he sang.. Ok let's start..

"Life without "f" (friends, family) is a Lie.. Life without "if" means nothing... but i hate "if" in the middle of life.. since i hate to dream just to wake up feeling empty!!"

That will be the statement I've been thinking lately and i put it on my FB .. just to remind me not to wish for something that can only be a dream for me.. Hahaha.. on the contrary.. i hate to admit that i do dream a better looking life all my life. The simplest dream is currently the hardest to achieve... And that simple dream has been drawn well enough by Disney Pixar masterpiece from UP the movie

i honestly want lots of things in life but the life i live filled with lots of  "if" words... and the only "if" I've been holding on lately is something i try to "kill" and forget.. Maybe it's because of the quarter life crisis ... but yeahhh life can be strange and melancholic sometimes..So here's 7 tips for our melancholic mood:

1. Sleep on it.. You might feeling better tomorrow
2. Listen a good "soul" song
3. Contact all of your friend and make a date with them hahaha
4. Write it down to loosen up the heart beat
5. Sing at the top of your lung... (Hahahaha it works for me just fine)
6. Laugh about it and take it easy on yourself
7. Pray ...just pray... God is the final answer.. :)

Well ...since i believe 7 is the perfect number... let's just finish it up and sleep on it.. There's still sun shining for us everyday..that means new hope.. new start is still available in store ;)

....... and moving on my life with James Morrison's ensemble ...... We're not lost.. just undiscovered....